Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vocab 9-25

Supinely- Adverb- A person lying face up
She was lying supinely upon the bed.

Inviolate- Adjective- Free or safe from injury or violation
The man was inviolate after the attempted assault.

Martial- Adjective- Of or appropriate to war; warlike
The man was very martial in his actions as he walked with a combat like stance.

Despotism- Noun- The exercise of absolute power, esp. in a cruel and oppressive way
The prisoners felt that despotism was being used, but in reality it was just an average prison.

Prudent- Adjective- Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
The prudent man adopted the stray cat to save its life.

Abrogate- Verb- Repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement)
The judge abrogated the law that stated that animals were not allowed on city streets. 

Buttress- Noun- A projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall; a source of defense or support
The buttress held up the leaning building until the destruction company could get there.

Concomitant- Adjective- Naturally accompanying or associated
The woman loved to go on lavish vacations, even with the concomitant worries.

Diaphanous- Adjective- Light, delicate, and translucent
The butterflies diaphanous wings almost glowed in the sunshine.

Impinge- Verb- Have an effect or impact, esp. a negative one
The mans words impinged on the minds of the three young students.

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