Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocab Sentences 2

Anachronistic-Adjective- Chronologically misplaced
The words in the old books were anachronistic.

Circuitous- Adjective- Longer than the most direct way
The boys race was very circuitous.

Deleterious- Adjective- Causing harm or damage
The children were deleterious towards the sand castle.

Ephemeral-Adjective- Lasting for a very short time
The boys elation at being in the lead was ephemeral.

Evanescent- Adjective- Quickly fading or disappearing
The sun was evanescent as we trekked back home from our adventurous hike.

Fortuitous- Adjective- Happening by accident or chance rather than design
The similarity between the two pieces of art was fortuitous.

Intrepid- Adjective- Fearless or adventurous
He was very intrepid in his quest for gold.

Precocious- Adjective- A child having more advanced abilities for its age
The precocious child was finally allowed into the School For The Gifted.

Sagacity- Noun- The quality of having good judgment
Many people in the world are lacking sagacity.

Tenacious-Adjective- Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
The mother kept a tenacious hold on her newborn child.

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