Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

1.     According to Jonathan Edwards, God getting fed up with your sins and suddenly casting you into the pits of hell is a constant threat to all human beings.
2.     In Edwards’s view, sinners must be reborn into their religion and faith of God to be spared God’s wrath.
3.     Edwards uses the image of God holding a sinner over the pits of hell, like a person holding a spider over a flame.
4.     In Edwards’s sermon fear and terror play a key role in inspiring people to be less sinful. Biblical allusions support the writer’s appeal to fear because the Bible does play on fear in some parts too and it proves that if you fear and respect God he may help you.

Four emotions in this story:

1 comment:

  1. where did you find the information in the book
