Monday, August 19, 2013

Hills Like White Elephants Reflection

     In the story Hills Like White Elephants the man and woman are the main characters. My feelings on this man are that he seems very selfish with his wife. He wishes for her to get an abortion so he can continue on traveling how he wants with no real regard for her feelings or well being at first. Slowly he seems to gradually start caring more about her welfare. The woman seems much more reserved in expressing her true feelings and desires. She never openly expresses whether she wants to go through with the abortion or not. Since she doesn't share her feelings or thoughts much I tend to wish that she would express herself more to calm the overbearing man. The situation that these two are involved in is upsetting. I don't think that the woman should be confronted about this in such a public, unexpected place. Overall, I do not like the man very much due to his callousness however I do like the woman and I believe that she is being put into a very unfortunate situation.

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