Thursday, August 29, 2013


Colloquial- informal-used in ordinary or familiar conversation, not formal or literary
When you are in a job interview you should not use colloquial language.

Dotard- noun-an old person
The dotard next door never leaves his house anymore except to yell at children that stray into his yard.

Furrow- noun-a long narrow trench made in the ground
When farming, farmers use furrows to plant and grow their crops.

Misnomer- verb-a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term
When the band was boarding their bus to leave they accidentally shouted a misnomer of the city they were exiting.

Vilification- noun-abusively disparaging speech or writing
The reporters vilification of our president sparked much debate throughout the people.

Atrophy- noun-waste away
The man in the hospital never left his bed, so, his muscles slowly atrophied.

Misogynist- noun-a man who hates women
The misogynist yelled profanities at the women gathered at the conference.

Vindicate- verb-clear someone of blame or suspicion
Mother managed to vindicate Lucy and Tommy for letting the dog out.

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